Sunday 22 March 2009

Newcastle or Gotham O' Tyne

I'm often asked what was Newcastle upon Tyne called before it had a
new castle in the city. Often its quoted that it was called Gotham O'
Tyne below is a text with this quoted in. I'm going to find some
other sources as I know it's in a 12th Century poem as well. But Gotham seems to be the slang name for Newcastle

Heav'n prosper thee, Gotham! thou famous old town. 

Full text of "A glossary of North country words, in use. From an original manuscript, in the library of John George Lambton, Esq., M. P., with conside

Heav'n prosper thee, Gotham! thou famous old town.

Wor time on the Sandhill wi' pleasure did glide,
To display all wor warees and to scold was wor pride;
Wor noise did the greet folks of Gotham engage;
- The Green-Wives Lamentation
- The Newcastle Song Book or Tyne-Side Soongster., W&T Fordyce

Then gallantly they turn'd them round,
And so march'd up again.
Now fill a bumper to the brim,
And drink to Gotham's Mayor;
And when again he hears such news,
May Fauconberg be there.
-Lord Fauconberg's March.
-In: The Newcastle Song Book or Tyne-Side Soongster., W&T Fordyce
Newcastle Upon Tyne.
The Custom House Branch
Tynesiders, give ear, and you quickly shall hear
A strange and wonderful story,
Of a dreadful uproar upon fam'd Gotham's shore,
Where we've brush'd all to heighten our glory.
On the Quayside, so spruce, stands a great Custom House,
Of Newcastle the pride and birth-right;
Now the sons of Go-tham had sworn o'er a dram,
That to Gotham it soon should take flight
A townsman they sent, on great deeds fully bent,
A son of the knife and the steel, sirs;
And one learn'd in the laws, to argue their cause,
The covenants to sign and to seal, sirs.
Lo London they came, through the high road to fame,
Their hearts were both merry and staunch:
Of success confident, to the Treasury they went,
And demanded they might have a Branch!
False report (only guess) brought to Gotham success,'
Rejoicing, they blaz'd withoiut doubt;
Great Rome, they now say, was not built in one day;
We've the Branch, and we'll soon have the Root!
While their thoughts were thus big, over Newcastle brig
The Mail came one day, in a hurry:
What's the news? say the folk; quick a Briton up spoke,
No Branch!--so Newcastle be merry.
No Branch! was the cry, re-echoed the sky,
And sent down to Gotham a volley;
Where the prospect is bad, for 'tis fear'd they'll run mad,
Or relapse into sad melancholy.
So Gotham beware, and no more lay a snare,
Nor think that Newcastle you'll bend;
Call your advocates home, your cause to bemoan,
And let each his own calling attend.
-In: The Newcastle Song Book or Tyne-Side Soongster., W&T Fordyce
Newcastle Upon Tyne.

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